Cardew, humanity’s greatest threat in 2218, is cloning himself into an army of superhuman, deranged cyborgs who can’t be killed. Aiden and his crew must track him down and find
Category: Blog
f you’re tired of reading biographies of politicians written by writers with agendas, this may be a book for you. Chris Whipple does his best to examine the strengths and
Story Summary: Self-publishing a book is difficult. This book simplifies it by breaking down a self-publishing and marketing project into 10 steps. This step-by-step process will get your
Story Summary Big Bear thinks they know how things are supposed to be for the cub: Don’t run too fast. Don’t get your feet wet. Do what the “good”
Book Summary: Captain Ethan Evans has been running from his for two years. Europe is a big place. He and his outlaw army of ex-soldiers are good at surviving, but