Selah tries very hard to remember all the rules about what she must do to be “normal.” Her mother reminds her constantly how important it is. Selah has trouble when there is too much noise or bright lights or when she has to sit on a hard chair or do other things “normal” people aren’t bothered by. One day, Addie, a girl she considers a friend and whom Selah has tutored in math, starts braiding Selah’s hair without asking. It burns and frightens her, and she hits Addie without meaning to. Selah writes her frustrations out in poems, and her English teacher recognizes that her poetry might be Selah’s best chance to have others understand her and accept her.

Meg Eden Kuyatt has written a beautiful novel in verse that tells the story of a young girl who is on the autism spectrum, although her mother denies that anything is “wrong.” This book will open the eyes (and hearts!) of all who read it. Some will recognize themselves, and others will recognize those around them who deserve their understanding. The author’s note explains her experiences that shaped this book, and she offers other resources for readers. This is a must-read.